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Amalgam Removal FAQ’s: Is There Anything I Need To Do?

what you need for amalgam removal
Published By Dr. Rachel Hall at 19 June, 2013

What Do I Need To Do To Prepare For Amalgam Removal

Discover what you need to do for amalgam removal. Prior to getting your amalgams removed we recommend supporting your body to get ready for the process of mercury detoxification.

Having your amalgams removed is the same as putting your body through a massive detox. So unless you are in perfect health, full of energy, eating an optimal diet and have an excellent liver function, great digestion, strong immune system and are capable of chelating heavy metals you are going to need some support.

Before I explain further let me help you understand the process and what chelation is:-

Mercury Chelation

When mercury amalgam fillings are removed this changes the balance between the amount of mercury in your teeth and your body. To rebalance this mercury held in your tissues, organs and cells are released into your bloodstream. This means you have free floating mercury coming into your blood for a period of time. Left to its own means the mercury would simply travel in the blood and spread itself out to other regions of the body – not a good result.

The aim of amalgam filling removal is to remove the physical reservoir of mercury held in your teeth and lessen the body burden of mercury (reduce the number of mercury stores). This can be done by mopping up the free mercury released into the blood and by sending something into the cells to collect and grab on to the mercury so it can be excreted from the body. This process of collecting and grabbing mercury is known as chelation and that something which does that is called a chelation agent. (I will go into this in more detail in a future blog post/article).

For your body to successfully handle this process and for there to be enough chelation agents available it is wise to provide the body with everything it requires via your diet and specific supplements.

As 90% of mercury is excreted via the bowel it is essential that your digestive tract is in the best possible working order and that you have regular bowel movements (sorry to be so graphic). To support this we recommend that you avoid certain foods that are hard to digest, will slow down your gut function or create inflammation or additional toxicity. This would include things like processed foods, gluten, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. To assist with the mercury excretion there are certain foods that help bind mercury and provide the chelation agents necessary to mop it up ready for elimination from the body and we will be able to advise you of this during your consultation.

The other 10% of mercury passes out of the body via the kidneys and so it is essential to be drinking sufficient water to ensure you are well hydrated and kidney function is properly supported.

What you need to do for safe amalgam removal

Firstly come see us for a consultation and learn more about the process and what you specifically require.

During your consultation, we will provide you with information about what are the best foods and supplements required to optimise the mercury detox.

From there all you need to do is follow the detox protocol and have your amalgams carefully and safely removed.

To get the best possible result and remove the heaviest metals and mercury from your system we can then work with a Doctor or Naturopath who can assist you further with your chelation should you so desire.

To find out more call and book for your consultation phone 07 3720 1811.

  • Dr. Rachel Hall

    Dr. Rachel Hall

    Rachel is the founder and principal dentist at Evolve Dental Healing with over 30 years experience, practising holistically since 2001. Not your typical dentist, Rachel is a passionate opinion leader, challenging convention to empower people to make better dental and health choices, helping thousands to have healthy natural smiles. A respected writer and presenter on holistic dentistry, health and wellness it is Rachel’s mission to revolutionise the way people look at their dental health.

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