Mouth breathing is a serious matter. In children of growing age, it may have devastating effects on general health and growth.
Your mouth is the gateway to your body and can affect your overall health.
We traditionally are taught to think of the brain or the ‘head’ as being the intelligence of the body, communicating with the body and telling it what to do.
It is true – being a dentist is stressful.
“Stress is a reaction people have when excessive pressure or demands are placed upon them, and arises when an individual believes they are unable to cope.”
Why is this? We all know that sugar consumption is linked to dental decay. 4,5,6,7,8
Dentistry has always aimed to focus on prevention of oral disease rather than solely treatment alone.
We are pleased to announce that we now have a new amalgam separator...
In holistic dentistry, we are always considering that there could be underlying causes to what presents in our patients’ mouths.
Amalgam fillings are composed of mercury, silver, tin, copper and other trace metals...
Cold and flu season is here and it's going to be a bad one this year. Is your body in shape to fight off viruses and fend off germs that could make you sick?
Coffee, is it good or bad for us? Well according to the research and media reports, one day it is then another day it isn’t, so which is it?
No sugar for you – how about you try some honey instead?
For those of you with keen eyes you will have noticed the invite alongside our Blog page to like Evolve Dental Healing on Facebook.
The term “Biological Dentistry” (also called “Holistic Dentistry”) is being used for a whole new...
Most people when asked about Vitamin D know that it has something to do with bones and calcium but guess what Vitamin D does so much more than that.
Gum disease and periodontal disease are serious issues especially when it gets to its advanced...
Dental Plaque May Be Linked To Early Cancer Death
Women, keep those toothbrushes and dental floss handy.
Scientists are discovering more and more about the connections between dental health and the health of our entire body.
67 Kenmore Road
Kenmore Queensland 4069
Phone: 07 3720 1811
Fax: 07 3720 1899
Monday – Friday: 7:30am – 5:30pm
References and Citations Mercury & Amalgam Fillings