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Ask The Dentist – Issues with Mercury and Dental Amalgam

dental amalgam fillings Brisbane Holistic Dentist
Published By Dr. Rachel Hall at 4 January, 2014

What Are The Issues With Dental Amalgam Fillings?

Dr Rachel Hall Brisbane Holistic Dentist shares her answers about dental amalgam and its issues when it comes to your health and your smile.

In an earlier post, I spoke about questions you need to ask the dentist to ensure they understand the issues surrounding mercury. Recently I was interviewed and asked these questions by my team as part of our regular team training sessions. I felt to share my answers with you as they provide insight into why I provide holistic dentistry and work amalgam free.

What is your position on the mercury issue? How much knowledge do you possess about mercury and dental amalgam fillings?

I have spent the last 15+ years researching, reading, learning and talking about the issues of mercury and dental amalgam fillings. I believe it has no place in the human body as it is a highly toxic substance and is detrimental to health. I would never place an amalgam filling in the mouth of any of my loved ones or have one placed in my own mouth and in return, I would never place one in another human being.

Dental amalgam needs to be thought of and dealt with in a similar fashion to asbestos when it comes to handling it and safely removing existing amalgam dental fillings.

I am currently researching as much as I can about mercury and dental amalgam for an up and coming book I am working on to expose the madness that surrounds this deadly filling material.

Do you use a rubber dam when removing amalgam fillings?

I use rubber dam and strict safety protocols every single time I remove or have to drill an amalgam filling. The safety of the patient and my team are paramount. My job is to ensure I minimise exposure to mercury vapour in my dental office.

Not only do I use rubber dam but I use one made from a material called nitrile as it provides the most effective barrier to mercury vapour and is superior to latex dams.

The rubber sheet acts as a physical barrier preventing bits of amalgam splashing across the mouth or going down the throat.

Is your suction system powerful and efficient? Do you use a special tip (such as “Clean Up,” available from IAOMT) or its equivalent?

My suction unit is very powerful and efficient. When removing amalgam I utilise a double suction technique, with the large suction over the tooth being worked on and a smaller one under the sheet to vent any potential mercury vapour that may possibly pass through the nitrile dam.

A high power suction system is essential to capture amalgam fragments and mercury vapour.

I will also use special clean-up tips where indicated in more difficult and prolonged removal sessions.

Do you apply copious amounts of water to the filling upon removal?

When drilling I have a huge volume of water spray coming through my drill head on to the drill bit and the filling as water helps to contain the mercury vapour and fine particulate matter, as well as, cool the filling and the tooth. In some cases, I will also use additional water spray from the air and water sprayer I use to wash and dry teeth while I am drilling.

Do you remove the mercury/amalgam filling in large sections?

I use specially designed tungsten carbide burs that break dental amalgam fillings into large chunks so it comes out quickly and cleanly. This reduces the drilling time and amount of mercury vapour released.

Do you utilise alternative air sources and/or equipment to reduce mercury inhalation?

There are several ways I reduce mercury inhalation. Firstly each patient is given a nosepiece attached to a tank of sterile air so they are breathing clean air supply. I have a specialised mercury vacuuming filtration machine called an IQ Air Dental Vac. The IQ Air has a trunk that is positioned close to the patient’s chin while I work so it exhausts mercury vapour into its filter system. This prevents inhalation of mercury vapour and stops it from going up into the air and polluting the dental office or the environment.

My dental assistant and I always wear mercury respirator masks during the removal procedure to safeguard our own health as well.

Do you belong to a professional organisation that supports biological or mercury-free dentistry? What kind of training have you had and when?

I am a member of IAOMT, Australians for Mercury-Free Dentistry and ACNEM – all organisations promoting holistic dentistry and health.

A highly qualified holistic dentist mentored me during 2000-2004. During this time and over the years that have followed I have gained through training in holistic dentistry and an understanding of how to properly handle dental amalgam and support my patient’s health and wellbeing. I keep abreast of all the latest developments and scientific research and talk regularly with other holistic dentists around the globe to ensure I have the very best knowledge and expertise to remove amalgam safely and effectively.

I am constantly looking at ways to improve and offer you the high quality yet safe dentistry that you deserve.

Holistic Dentist Brisbane For Safe Removal Of Amalgam Dental Fillings

If you would like to know more about having your silver dental amalgam fillings removed call us on 07 3720 1811 and book your consultation today

  • Dr. Rachel Hall

    Dr. Rachel Hall

    Rachel is the founder and principal dentist at Evolve Dental Healing with over 30 years experience, practising holistically since 2001. Not your typical dentist, Rachel is a passionate opinion leader, challenging convention to empower people to make better dental and health choices, helping thousands to have healthy natural smiles. A respected writer and presenter on holistic dentistry, health and wellness it is Rachel’s mission to revolutionise the way people look at their dental health.

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